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Pancakes for Breakfast

18 Feb

Recently I found some vegan chocolate & hazelnut spread, so I decided to make pancakes to put it on, then Jessie informed me that the spread was too sugary for the blog, so these pancakes don’t have the spread.


2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons egg replacer (or 1 banana)
2-3 cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
a pinch of cinnamon

Nuts (sliced or crushed)
Banana (sliced)


Mix together the flour, baking powder, egg replacer (or banana), water, vanilla essence, and cinnamon. Depending on how you like your pancakes will determine how much water you add. 2 cups of water will produce thick pancakes, whereas adding 3 cups allows you to make thin pancakes.

Melt a knob of margarine in a flat bottomed frying pan on medium heat. Pour in enough batter to cover the base of the frying pan (depending on how thick you like your pancakes) – if you want really thin pancakes, use the edge of a spatula to spread out the batter – and fry until the bubbles on the top start to pop. Flip the pancake over and cook for a similar amount of time. Remove from pan, put on a plate in the oven, and repeat until you’re out of batter. You want to add a small amount of marg to the pan before each pancake.

Note: If you don’t have margarine, don’t try replace it with oil. This will result in the pancakes being rubbery and not very nice.

Cover the pancakes in berries, nuts, banana and drizzle some agave over the top. If you have some chocolate hazelnut spread like me, add that too, but if Jessie asks, you didn’t read that here!

Banana Pancakes

27 Dec

These gooey, inexpensive, quick pancakes will make everyone happy.


1 cup flour
1 & ½ teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
a dash of cinnamon
2/3 cup soy milk (or water to save $)
1 & ½ bananas, very ripe, mashed (use a potato masher)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 or 2 handfuls sultanas
1 handful chocolate chips (optional)


Mix ingredients, cook at medium heat with no oil in non-stick pan, serve with fresh fruit ♥