Ginger nuts

30 May

I could say something funny here, like; ‘Kids will go nuts for these Ginger nuts!’ – but that probably wouldn’t be very funny. Pregnant women on the other hand… well, sugar (tick) plus (possible) anti-nausea properties of ginger (tick)… they go down a treat.

These are probably the easiest/quickest biscuits I know how to make. You can whip up the batter before the oven’s even preheated. So again, great for those pregnant women who want things NOW.


125g Margarine
1 C Sugar
2 Tblsp Golden Syrup
2 Tblsp Water
2 C Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
3 tsp Ginger Powder


In a large pot, melt the marg over low heat. Remove from the heat, then mix in the sugar, golden syrup and water. Finally, sift in the flour, baking powder and ginger powder.

Roll into balls, place onto a greased oven tray, flatten, and bake at 180ºC for ~ 15 minutes. They should start turning golden brown, but still be slightly soft to the touch. Don’t cook them till they’re firm (like my mother used to), as they harden when they’re cool.

I advise dunking them in coffee as the best way to eat them. Enjoy!

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